Friday, November 14, 2014

Bitcoins Vs. Banks

There are steps that we can take on a personal level to help reset the banking system.  The more we support the big banks the more they are allowed to continue to print money out of thin air.

So what are the steps, well the steps are:

  1. Close your accounts with large national banks.  If you need a bank account, use a local bank or credit union.
  2. If you can live without borrowing on credit, get rid of loans and debt.  Credit cards are tied to large banks.  Supporting the system that makes money out of thin air, is hurting everyone; but it hurts the poor the most.
  3. Learn what bitcoin and cryptocurrency are and how to use them.

What this video and get a brief explanation of why you should move from banks and get involved with cryptocurrency.

Learn about how you can join the first Network Marketing Company in the Cryptocurrency Revolution!

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